
Chances are if you're looking at this web-page you're having a problem with your

computer, networking, or Internet services. We would like to help.

Although some jobs are little more complex we find that many of the problems that happen to PCs and Laptops are not as complicated as many people think. We also understand that the language of technology is about the same as trying to speak Chinese for a lot of people. Fortunately we understand this language and most problems can be fixed. If you are having a problem with your PC or Laptop please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to make sure your problem is taken care of in a timely manner.

Please read below!!

One of the most common problems happening to people today are the scams. A pop-up will come on your computer screen and freeze your computer telling you that you have been hacked and the only way to fix your computer is by dialing the number on your screen. This is a scam. DO NOT DIAL THAT NUMBER!!! Call us instead and we may be able to walk you through a temporary fix over the phone. We still would recommend that you make an appointment so we could go over your computer and clean out any potentially harmful spy-ware or viruses. Another scam that goes hand-in-hand with the scam mentioned above is the Microsoft phone call where you will be called by a person claiming to be from Microsoft. Microsoft will never call you so the best way to handle these people is to tell them that you already have a computer tech and you're not interested and hang up the phone. These people will explain to you a way that they say they can fix your slowing computer and they will show you a way that they can help you do this remotely. Once they get into your computer they will do you more harm than good and that's when they start charging you. Again hang up on these people they are scam artists.
Delacom Computer Services

Contact Us

Al Delap 608-387-0410 aldelap@hotmail.com Mark Delap 608-408-3392 mark@delacomservices.com